A blog by Ross of Penge (formerly of Balham)

I blogged pretty extensively during 2014 and early 2015, but got out of the habit. In the time since there has been a huge amount I've sort of wanted to write about (politics, terror etc) but I haven't. I tried several times, but anger and frustration about what was happening prevented me from getting things down in a coherent form. Given I couldn't express what I felt, and it didn't seem like it would make a difference anyway, I let it lie fallow.

It's now early 2017, and I'm back, blogging about my attempt to do the first month of the year without social media. After that, who knows?

And why gateway2thesouth? Named after a famous sketch popularised by Peter Sellers:

"Broad-bosomed, bold, becalmed, benign,
Lies Balham, four-square on the Northern Line."

I lived in Balham for 23 years - longer than I have been anywhere else, and it still feels like one of the places in the world I most belong.

Wednesday, 28 January 2015

I said it in German and Greek*

Thought it was time for a quick check-in. January has been pretty busy, and all good fun but has whizzed by.

I was fortunate enough to perform at a gig showcasing some of the music of the rather wonderful Paul Ayres last Saturday. A choir of forty-odd and a programme with a mix of his arrangements of a wide range of music. Very enjoyable indeed, and with relatively minimal rehearsal time it was something I could fit in to the schedule.

Preparations continue for Voxcetera’s concert with the NLSO at St Martin-in-the-Fields on 28th April which headlines with the Vivaldi Gloria. Had our first full sing through of that piece last night. As a bass it is lovely to have something with broadly predictable harmonies, so that you have a reasonable idea where the piece is going. Unlike the Poulence Exultate Deo which will be part of the first half, and where the next note at certain points is still a bit of a mystery. Then ‘Vox go mad in Dublin’ is scheduled for late May.

I wrote about my desire to try some new stuff this year, and that the first two would be something around meditation and a MOOC. I have borrowed a book on mindfulness and am currently required to contemplate a raisin. Domestic logistics mean I am contemplating a sultana instead, but I figure that any system of thought which is so prescribed as to specifics of dried fruit that it won’t work is probably not useful. I was described last week as being pretty ‘Zen’ over a kerfuffle with a train, so maybe it’s having an effect already.

MOOC wise I had decided on language learning. For various business reasons I would like to go back and work on my German (which was pretty good 25 years ago) but I have struggled to find a course that wasn't for beginners. So I am going with Spanish. As all the people I work with in Germany speak perfect English, and I would like to go and see some of Spain this year, that feels a much more useful option. I've chosen one which I can download as podcasts so that I can listen anywhere.

I also said I would keep a list of possible new stuff to do later on in the year. All that has been added to that so far definitively is ‘build a website’ but that’s one I definitely want to do. Not, you understand, because I need one for anything, just because I want to know how to do it. I think there may be something around cooking on it too – something I used to enjoy but had got out of the habit of doing anything other than that general one-pot thing that can by magic become a bolognese, chilli, curry or stew. With two under way though and setting myself six non-impossible things to do before Christmas* it will be after Easter before any of these need to be firmed up.

Anyway that’s it for now. I have Spanish to learn. Hasta luego.

* I've gone all Lewis Carroll this week

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